The Trifecta of Joy! Amazon #1 Bestseller

The SLA way! 

Time for a Self-Love Adventure!

Create your best life as you step into loving your mind, body and spirit. 


Rediscover the gift that is YOU!

(the SLA way!)

In just a few days feel the ease, grace, gratitude and a peaceful heart, by simply showing up for yourself for a few minutes a day! 
Sign Up for the Self-Love Adventure!

You know who you are:

  • You are overwhelmed, tired, feeling like life isn’t “that bad” and you’re “managing” but maybe there’s a way to feel like there is more meaning in it all.
  • You find yourself in sticky stuff: over committed, disconnected, unhappy in your body, exhausted, and feeling perfectly blah. You’re unclear how you let it “get to this”, but also beating yourself up because you let it get to “this”. 
  • You’re watching people all around you burn out, crash, or make choices that don’t seem to make sense, and you’re wondering if you’ll be next. Are you nearing the straw…?
  • You’re a perfectionist who is missing out on life because, well, you’re a perfectionist. When it doesn’t go as planned, it becomes a reflection of your worth (on the inside, Perfectionists don’t let the loathing show!).

Sister, I have been there, and so have countless others just like you. You’ve found your place.

You (mostly) look like you have it together on the outside.  You keep showing up for everyone else, so no one knows how close to burnt out you really are, if you’re not there already.
Prevent rock bottom...


This program came from my own rock bottom. Sitting as a bawling mess feeling like I’d held it together and was actually living a pretty damn good life – when it all came in.  


The straw that broke the camel’s back for me wasn’t big – but it rarely is. For me it was a phone call that gave a new direction regarding Covid protocol from my workplace.
Under different circumstances it may have landed differently, but in that moment it was BIG because I felt broken.
I remember sitting feeling like there HAD to be a purpose in this – that there must be something that is good and healing and offers light to others for me to be in such a gross place of darkness.  


If you want to know where it really began, this video was taken Nov 17, 2020.  


My rock bottom.

**Warning: This video is raw, vulnerable, and reflects my experience of burnout, immobilization, fear, and overwhelm. It may be triggering to some.**
Prevent yourself from experiencing your version of that pain. 
Let’s be honest, few want you to arrive at SLA in this condition, but if this is where you are, I am here for you.  


A user-friendly printable guide that walks you through
LOVE for and with YOURSELF
every day 
A quick audio lesson in your inbox every day
(listen while you brush your teeth!)
Membership to a private Facebook group - The Lighten Up Collective



Live Collective Gatherings – meet with us on Zoom two Sundays a month at 10am MT to celebrate, support, and manifest awesome together!

I love you, I see you, and you are not alone. You are safe and supported here.

SLA was created because I knew there needed to be a simple way through that would create a space for joy, grace and gratitude.
And it needed to be simple.


SLA was created for you in mind.


May it land on your body, heart and soul as it is intended.  With expansive love and tender recognition of who you are in this life. You are a beautiful imperfect soul meant to live your life with joy, grace and gratitude.

Start Your Adventure Today and Let Go Of: 


Self Loathing

Self Judgement



Missing Moments in the Now! 

Sign Up for the Self-Love Adventure!

Weekly Topics:

What Others Are Saying: 

 The Self Love Adventure gave me space to get reconnected with ME every day. It's been a long time, was waaaaaay overdue, and I just can't believe how much more smooth life feels just taking this bit of time!


- CM - Stony Plain, AB

The Self Love Adventure and Collective have become an important part of my life! I love that I am noticing things in my life differently, and getting real about what I deserve. Without judgement. It's about damn time (I'm 43!)


- AT - Tampa Bay, FL

I've lost weight, cleaned up some sticky relationships, and even started reading again! I can't believe how something so simple as The Self Love Adventure has made so much change to noticing what matters and being gentle going for it! Thank you Tanya!


- CM - Leduc, AB

Tanya includes differently abled people and makes space for us to move through the adventure too (I can't write). She set me up for success, and I love listening to what she has to offer my heart every day. 


- CL - Vancouver, BC 

After countless hours of work creating this program, I have repeatedly been questioned why I am undervaluing it.  


I know the value you are getting here.  


I see you.  


If you are experiencing any or all of the above, you may hesitate to invest in yourself.


The tools you need are here, and I want them to be accessible.  I can help with the first challenge below, but the second one is up to you:
  1.  It is priced out of your budgetary abilities.
  2.  You don’t think you are worth it.
You are worth it. You are worthy.
Let me believe in you until you believe in yourself.
When you step into this adventure, show up for yourself every day, and start to feel the shift, you’ll feel great and know you're worth it.


(Valued at $349)

Secure my Spot for Lighten Up SLA!

It is $99 and will stay forever that way because it is my gift to you. A humble offering should you choose it for yourself.

You could come back later… but you’re still here (the Universe is trying to tell you something, are you catching it?)
If you’re thinking: I can do it tomorrow, I can start next week, after the holidays, when school is back in, after the “busy time” is over…
How long do you want to play that game for?
The time is now.
You can wait, but how long?  

How much longer do you want to feel this way?

A week? A month? Three months?


Time will pass in a flash, and you can look back and feel more spacious, confident, peaceful and grounded.  


Or you can look back feeling like you do now, and wonder where the time went.


You can look back and feel gratitude, love and trust in yourself, and notice life for all of it’s wonder.

Or you can look back and still be climbing into bed feeling like the day wore you, and dreading what is to come.

Living with JOY Means:

Cultivating AwarenessBefriending your Inner Critic, and Raising your Vibe!


The SLA is a guide and a weekly drop of 5 mini-vids that invite awareness, allow you to notice, name, and befriend your inner critic, and raise your vibe next level!  


Yes, in 10 minutes a day!


SLA even offers you extra vibe-raising awesomeness in The Collective! You’ll join our private Facebook group and be invited to exclusive Collective gatherings twice monthly!  


It is the place to be, trust me!

How Does it Work?

  • You print your guidebook and never have to write more than a few lists making up one page a day.
  • Simple mini-sessions land in your inbox on Sunday, and you’re invited into the Topic of the week at your leisure. On Friday you’re invited to reflect on the week and give yourself a mini-reset if needed.
  • You’ll get reminders of Collective Gatherings every second Sunday. Meetings are never recorded as we respect the sacred space held there.
  • You have a sisterhood in the private Collective Facebook group. Connect, share, laugh, and be with others who are also SLA-ing their day!
  • It’s gentle, and done perfectly imperfectly. SLA is all about creating momentum and gently get you used to a new way of being intentional and serving your highest self.  
  • And having FUN doing it!

Are you ready to create the simple shifts to start living your life more grounded, more joyfully, and growing expansive awareness of you and your worth?

Why are you waiting?


You know it’s time.


What if for the price of a (mediocre) coffee

you could 



Join us on this sweet adventure and rediscover a love for yourself that is deeper than you ever imagined.


(Valued at $349)

Secure my Spot for Lighten Up SLA!

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